There's something really wonderful and magical about this photo - it's deeply symbolic of what SURJ is and can aspire to be, helping to push marginalized, often silenced BIPOC voices right to the very front.
Image Description: Grassy Narrows poster that says “Justice for Grassy Narrows people”
On June 20th SURJ members showed up in support of Grassy Narrows community members who travelled 1700km to Toronto to demand:
A Mercury Home and Treatment Centre
Compensation for everyone in Grassy Narrows affected by the mercury crisis
Their community’s water supply is still in crisis.
Here's how you can help:
Donate towards travel funds for community members to come to Toronto:
Sign the petition demanding that Trudeau take immediate action:
Contact Trudeau directly! Tell him that his lack of action to help Grassy Narrows is an injustice, and to take action now by:
1. Building the Mercury Home
2. Compensating the people of Grassy Narrows
3. Visiting and sharing #GrassyNarrows or #freegrassy
Use your social media platforms, email or call Justin Trudeau (613-992-4211) with the same message.