No one is free until everyone is free.

(Learn more about this tagline)

That is why Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) Toronto gathers white people into anti-racist action.

SURJ Toronto is a GTA-based grassroots organization, and a local chapter of SURJ National (US). We collaborate with Black, Indigenous, and racialized organizers, and move white people to take action to dismantle white supremacy and colonialism. SURJ Toronto gives members and supporters opportunities to learn, develop skills, deepen political analysis, build accountable relationships, and redistribute resources to Black, Indigenous, and racialized communities.

Find your stake in racial justice, and challenge yourself to make a difference.

(View ASL Vlog on SURJ)


Our mission is guided by a long-standing call from Black, Indigenous and racialized leaders to organize white people. We organize with the following movement partners on an ongoing basis.


  • Orange

    Get Involved with SURJ Toronto

    Become a member, subscribe to our newsletter to learn about upcoming actions and events, make a donation, and more. There are many ways to find your stake in racial justice.

  • Show Your Support with Swag

    Proceeds from every item sold go directly to our movement partners or support our work moving white people to take action to dismantle white supremacy and colonialism.

  • Donate Today

    Move some money to redistribute resources to grassroots movement partners and support our own organizing.

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